Common Council Meeting 03/05/2025 – Will Vote On Request To Approve College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration, Alcohol License Applications For Pizzeria Pub And Bar And Bunnie On The Ave

The Common Council is meeting 03/05/2025 at 7PM. Nothing stands out to me as likely to result in a lot of discussion but there are a few items that I could see being separated out for individual votes even if they aren’t the subject of […]

Common Council Votes Unanimously To Update City Noise Ordinance Aimed At Making It Easier To Enforce With Hope That Noise On College Avenue Can Be Decreased

The Common Council met 02/19/2025. One of the items that was separated out for an individual vote was a request to approve changes to the city’s noise ordinance. These changes had been approved without discussion at the Board of Health meeting on 02/12/2025. The changes […]

Common Council Votes To Approve Cost Reimbursement Agreement Between City And Thrivent – Alderperson Wolff Votes Against Amendment That Clarified TID Creation For Thrivent Development Was Not A Given

The Common Council met 02/19/2025. They separated out two items related to the proposed development of the Thrivent property west of Ballard Road and just north of 41. One of these items was a cost reimbursement agreement between Thrivent and the city in which Thrivent […]

Alderperson Patrick Hayden Introduces Resolution To Change City’s Carbon Emission Reduction Goals

During the 02/19/2025 Common Council meeting, Alderperson Patrick Hayden (District 7) introduced resolution 2-R-25 entitled “Appleton Sustainability Advisory Panel’s Emissions Reduction Recommendation.” The city currently has a goal to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or earlier. If passed as written, this resolution would […]

Alderperson Martyn Smith’s Invocation At 02/19/2025 Common Council Meeting – “[T]here are principles that are larger than our small moment in time, and when it comes to those principles, we should ourselves be fortified walls of bronze.”

Mayor Woodford: Please rise for the invocation which will be delivered by Alder Smith. Alderperson Martyn Smith (District 4): This term, I’m teaching a course on the Hebrew Bible, and we spent some weeks reading through the great writing prophets. This time around, I read […]

Common Council Authorizes City Staff To Negotiate An Agreement With Wisconsin Entertainment Group To Manage City’s Independence Day Celebration

The Common Council met 02/19/2025. One of the items they took up was a request to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Appleton and Wisconsin Entertainment Group, LLC to manage the City of Appleton Independence Day Celebration. The item was confusingly worded. […]

Common Council Approves Use Of $134,180 Grant To Purchase Electric Vehicle And Install Charging Station

The Common Council met 02/19/2025. One of the items they voted on was a request to accept a $134,180 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant to be used for the purchase of an electric vehicle and the installation of a charging station. The city had […]

Common Council Approves $88,000 Sole Source Purchase Of Decorative Galvanized Streetlight Poles For College Avenue Bridge – City Staff Expect New Poles To Last 25-40 Years

The Common Council met 02/19/2025. One of the items they took up was a request from city staff for a $88,592 sole source contract to replace the decorative streetlight poles on the College Avenue Bridge. The Municipal Services Committee voted to recommend this item be approved with […]

Common Council Votes 13-2 To Deny Alcohol License For Delaire’s – “My Name Has Been Dragged Through The Mud” Claims Business Owner

The Common Council met 02/19/2025. One of the things they voted on was the alcohol license application for Delaire’s. This license application has been outstanding since October of 2024 and has bounced back and forth between the Safety and Licensing Committee and placed on hold […]

Alderperson Brad Firkus’ Invocation At 02/05/2025 Common Council Meeting – “There are a lot of different ways we can express our love that show that certain things have more meaning than just a passing feeling of joy that we get from them.”

Mayor Woodford: Please rise for the invocation, which will be delivered by Alder Firkus. Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3): Thank you. Next week is Valentine’s Day, a holiday that brings the topic of love to the forefront. While Valentine’s Day is primarily focused on love […]